Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wake Up, Stand Up....

The White Liberal Assault on Black Republicans…. and Blacks in General….

“They need to shut me up, they need to get rid of me,” Dr. Carson said, as reported in Newsmax. “They can’t find anything else to delegitimize me so they take my words, misinterpret them and try to make it seem that I’m a bigot.”

Ben Carson

Last night I got home just in time to catch the news about one more thing that came out of the mouth of Chris Matthews regarding race.  You see Matthews is the arbiter of all things that might be considered “racial”, including “dog whistles” and  other things of such a sensitive nature.  As you know he also is famous for a number of accomplishments including the famous statement:  “I have to tell you, you know, it’s part of reporting this case, this election, the feeling most people get when they hear Barack Obama’s speech. My, I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don’t have that too often.” 

Well, now the loathsome Chris Matthews , newsman , has redefined the concept of a racist by saying:  “Only Whites Can Be Racists.”

 OK , he might well be speaking of WHITE DEMOCRATS with his “slip of the tongue” as is evidenced here:

>Bill Maher: Herman Cain ‘Likes Working With Fox Team, Particularly Some Of Them Fine-Ass White Women’
>Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One according Ronald Kessler’s Book, “Inside The White House” “I’ll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”

>Fritz Hollings (D, S.C.) Blacks and Hispanics are “too busy eating watermelons and tacos” to learn how to read and write.” — Mike Wallace, CBS News. Source: Newsmax “You’d find these potentates from down in Africa, you know, rather than eating each other, they’d just come up and get a good square meal in Geneva.”

>Senate majority leader Harry Reid said Obama had a chance of winning because he  was both “light-skinned” and didn’t speak with a “negro dialect.”

>Left-wing radio host Neil Rogers “Is you their black-haired answer-mammy who be smart? Does they like how you shine their shoes, Condoleezza? Or the way you wash and park the whitey’s cars?”

>Roger Clinton, the President’s brother on audiotape Some junior high n*gger kicked Steve’s ass while he was trying to help his brothers out; junior high or sophomore in high school. Whatever it was, Steve had the n*gger down. However it was, it was Steve’s fault. He had the n*gger down, he let him up. The n*gger blindsided him.”

>While in front of a mostly black crowd,  Joe Biden evoked the memory of slavery in an attempt to scare black voters into voting for Barack Obama when he stated that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan wanted to put “y’all back in chains.” Clearly a racially insensitive remark and despite the spin put on the comment by Barack Obama this was not simply a gaffe or “Joe being Joe,” this was a deliberate attempt to paint the Romney ticket as racist.

>The liberal media expressed no outrage and not one word of condemnation was uttered by any Democrat after SEIU (Service Employees International Union) thugs attacked Kenneth Gladney, a black man.  Gladney was beaten, kicked and called a racist name while working as a vendor at a health care reform town hall meeting in St. Louis on August 6, 2009 called by U.S. Rep. Democrat Russ Carnahan.   

>The assault was called  a calculated attempt to intimidate and silence Tea Party protestors and town hall activists.  On the morning of the Gladney attack, the White House presented to Senate Democrats a “battle plan” to quell the protests.  The advice given to the Democrats by the White House was to "punch back twice as hard", and the first casualty was Kenneth Gladney.  In the emergency room of the St. John's Mercy Medical Center, Gladney was treated for injuries to his knee, back, elbow, shoulder and face suffered in the attack.   

>On the left-wing Internet website called "The News Blog," Democrats posted a doctored photograph of RNC Chairman Michael Steele while he was the Lt. Governor of Maryland and running for a Senate seat. Democrats depicted Steele as a "Simple Sambo" with a blackened minstrel-style face, nappy hair and big, think red lips. The cartoon caption read: "Simple Sambo wants to move to the big house". This contemptible racist stereotype is the same one Democrats used to demean black men during the era of slavery and segregation.

So, if the definition of a “racist” is a “person with a prejudiced belief that one race is superior to others.”  Yep, I agree with Chris Matthews, white liberals ARE  racists and he is the leader of the group.






  1. It sickens me when I hear the number of people that believe the vicious lies & trash speech that spews from many Dems, yet Republicans are blamed for racial divide, hate woman, children & the elderly. I live in a city in TX that has a very large population of Americans that are of Mexican descent & have experienced racism toward me because I am white. So, as most intelligent people know, racism exists in small minded people & not one race.

  2. i can recall when Herman Cain was running(i was a Cainiac,proud to say)and the horrible slurs they threw at him. Woke me up. Gr8 article btw. Gave it a word press publish :)
