Wednesday, February 20, 2013

File this under: Conservatives Uninvited


“After barring Coulter from speaking on campus, the Fordham University extended a warm greeting to Peter Singer. Serving as a tenured Princeton bioethics professor, Singer is also a well-known animal-rights advocate who has even promoted the extinction of the human race for the benefit of the rest of the planet. When advertising for Singers speaking engagement, the university promised that it would provoke Christians to think about other animals in new ways.”


“Spanish River Community High School’s American Club, a student-initiated, student-led club, hosted radio host Bradlee Dean at an after-school meeting of the club, while Sons of Liberty Radio (SOLR) covered the event. Despite being arranged with the school, which had notified students of its occurrence for three weeks on PA system announcements, as well as through social media and posters, the school officials shut down Dean halfway through the event. School officials, acting at the command of the principal, cited “controversial statements” and the “anti-homosexuality” of the group, “The Sons of Liberty,” as the rationale for why they were not allowed to continue the program.

One school official stated that the Constitution doesn't apply to school property and that neither the club nor the speakers had any First Amendment rights”


After three weeks of preparation, research and numerous rewrites, Gerald Molen –a motivational speaker, former U.S. Marine, and Oscar-winning film producer – drove ninety minutes from his home to Ronan High School in Montana last month to deliver a graduation speech. He was shocked upon his arrival to find that Principal Tom Stack had decided to disinvite him and cancel the speech. He was further stunned to learn the reason that he wouldn’t be allowed to address the students – it was because he is “a right-wing conservative.”
Molen has an impressive 25-year Hollywood résumé. He is the producer of such films as Rain Man, Days of Thunder, Stephen Spielberg’s Schindler’s List, the first two Jurassic Park films, Twister, and Minority Report. He has spoken at dozens of schools but doesn’t accept a fee. When one is offered, he asks that it be donated to the Shoah Foundation, the nonprofit organization founded by Spielberg and dedicated to Holocaust remembrance.”


Domestic terrorist Bill Ayers was a keynote speaker at teachers conference in Atlanta Georgia that ran Feb. 15 – 19 2013….. He was a member of the Weather Underground during the Vietnam War. He was involved in the "Days of Rage" in Chicago in 1969 and became a fugitive after an accidental Greenwich Village townhouse explosion that killed three Underground members in 1970 as they attempted to manufacture a bomb and it exploded prematurely. He has not renounced his activities with the Underground. He simply redirected his approach to his radicalism. He was eventually arrested but was released on a technicality. He commented on his release; "Guilty as hell, free as a bird. Is this a great country or what?" He is also pictured standing on an American flag.

Pearls of Wisdom from Bill Ayers:

“Kill all the rich people. … Bring the revolution home. Kill your parents.”


The Sun Sentinel newspaper in Fort Lauderdale, Florida is attempting to ban former Congressman Allen West from speaking about inner city education. Said the activist by way of the "reporter":

"This is somebody who has no problem maligning and marginalizing and showing intolerance toward others," said activist Michael Rajner. "I just don't see Allen West being the kind of person and the character to be invited in. It's just outright offensive." So Rajner is the key decided of who is the “right kind of person" , is he?

No, this activist and the “reporter” decided that they have the right to define for you who the “right” type of person should be and they decided to arrange a modern day” lynch mob”. Pretty nasty, since the man they would like to “lynch” is an African American speaking about urban education. You never know the motivation of some souls, perhaps the “reporter” and the activist resent minorities receiving education. Easier to control that way…. and they have done it before.

Regardless, of their motivation, the “reporter” is able to use his bully pulpit ---- the a fairly large city paper to gather the marginal to their cause, by running a voting poll…. or gathering a mob..... or something......

How’s that for a major paper, university and high schools to conduct their business?

Talk to me people!!!


  1. I know Mr. Rajner and understand the situation with your husband's appearance to speak on education had nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with his skin color. It had to do with his archaic views on LGBT people and the agenda he puts forth constantly in his speeches. It's an agenda that has no place in the PUBLIC school forum. If he wants to spew this stuff, there are plenty of private Christian schools in the area which would give him the appropriate forum.

    I have PERSONALLY seen Allen West hold up a "Coexist" bumper sticker and claim that people who have these stickers on their cars are "the enemy." His demeanor when delivering this message was highly charged and militaristic. I found him frightening because I have one of those stickers. I believe that in a civilized society the rights of all people are recognized, regardless of their religion. Sorry your husband thinks that all Americans need to worship his god in order to have the rights to exist.

    The insinuations that you are making here about Mr. Rajnor and some sort of ploy to paint him as a racist are ridiculous. He is an activist for the causes of the LGBT community and works tirelessly to see that their rights are upheld no matter their skin color.

  2. Lesley, I too believe in a civilized society and what I find equally frightening is your jusdgement of Allen West. You have no idea regarding his views on the LGBT communiity. I believe that your totalitarian views are quite uncivilized.

  3. You asked for comments, so I commented. I am well versed on your husband's views on many issues as they relate to his faith and how he applies that to his attitudes towards policy making. He was a public figure and made many of them clear.

    As you know, he has a reputation for making extreme statements based on very tightly held viewpoints. That is his right in a society which promotes free speech and he is entitled to his viewpoints. I do not agree with him on many of them, but that is what this great country is about.

    I mainly wanted to leave a comment because I followed the situation as it related to your husband and the Broward Schools advisory board last month. There was absolutely NOTHING on Mr. Raynor's part that was even remotely racist. To claim that in any public forum, although in your rights, calls much into question. Perhaps you just didn't have your facts straight. In any event, I felt led to share the truth.

    Thank you for responding to my comments, whether or not I was fully happy about your choice of words. Hopefully, this conversation has cleared up a discrepancy. Thanks.
